Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Watch out for hidden gluten

Grass Allergies

As I watched with astonishment as the pizza dough spinning shot in the air and, finally, provides the ideal landing place for a little red tomato sauce and delicious trimmings. Then I remembered that my son will not be able to eat his favorite food. The dough is gluten free, I said. Then we went to the mall and grabbed some 'Chinese food ..

Grass Allergies

While the dough and stretch to stay flexible as it rotates in the air, the body has aComposite glutenin and gliadin protein called gluten. In fact, in Latin, means attacking the gluten. Glutenins of wheat flour that the dough is elastic and rubbery.

Grass Allergies

Gliadin and glutenin in the endosperm of many herbs from related cereals like barley, rye and wheat. While gluten is generally associated with bread and other baked goods. You have to be careful with hidden sources in your diet, so unless the product is labeled gluten-free or made fromGluten-free sources. Much of what we eat to be vigilant.

Grass Allergies

The food starch ·, if made from arrowroot, potato, corn and tapioca
· Flour when they are based on pure rice, corn, soy or potato
• Some medications
· Malta (so no more beer L) is used as a flavoring or coloring
Cream sauce * May use a gluten thickener
· White vinegar is made from grain cleaning
Spice ° may contain flour as a cost
· The soups can be useda roux of flour-based
· Restaurants cross-contamination can pay attention to cooking gluten-free certified

Amazing places to gluten!
· Cosmetics
· Envelopes when you lick the glue
· Lotions
· Toothpaste
Mouth water ·

Now I have been experimenting with different gluten-free pasta, to make my pizza. So far, my favorite pizza dough mix made by Bob Red Mill. I also replace the egg with a starch gluten egg substitute. TheKey is to stretch the gluten-free pasta with a rolling pin. Since I prefer a crust pie, the crust is crispy, which I like.

It 'time to take my son to use, for the fact that he can not eat bread, cakes and pizza out of wheat flour. Wheat bread, no flour, cakes and pizzas are surprisingly tasty. Fortunately, it is sensitive to gluten for a temporary situation for the coming months. People with celiac disease must avoid gluten from any source for theRest of their lives.

Watch out for hidden gluten

Grass Allergies

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